
Some of us are wired to create while being inspired from God’s word.   This is a community of creatives that do art together while studying God’s word together.  You need not be an artist.  The creative process from reading God’s word is the most valuable gift – not necessarily the output or the finished product.  For those of us that are wired to be creative, this process may allow us to go deeper with God, even more than traditional bible study.  Please consider joining us and send your artwork. Please include a little text that explains your creative process and how God spoke to you through His word.  We will post a weekly scripture and you create from it.  Be encouraged to go deep and go personal.  Use this creative process as an opportunity to learn about yourself and what God is saying to you.  All artwork can be anonymous.  The most interesting part is sharing and seeing others interpretative artwork and hearing about their own spiritual process.  God’s word is living!  Each piece of artwork can be so different based on what God is speaking to that person during that time.  God’s word inspires creativity, beauty and deep thought.  This creative process inspires us to get to know Him in a more intimate way.

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