John 12:26-27

My clocks. Recent broken relationships. Depression. Anxiety. Physical pain. Being single. Tragic world events. Inner political turmoil. Life and Self doubt. Unanswered questions. Doctrinal debates. Job pressure. 

I frequently find myself praying for God to take these things away: “Father, save me from this hour.” But what if it is for a very specific reason that God has brought me to all these different hours, stages in life, difficulties, etc. In each of these I can pray for their quick demise or relief from their struggles or I can ask God to use them to help me glorify his name. I want to learn to do the latter.



2 thoughts on “John 12:26-27

  1. How amazing and what a beautiful perspective to the struggle we have in life. What would life look like if we came to God to use our hours of pain as our way to glorify him. Thanks for reminding me of this. I avoid the struggles or hide them, but how beautiful that God is glorified in everything, and sometimes most of all the struggles. Thank you!!

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