John 12:26-27

I drew a melting clock to symbolize our warped perception of time or dread of a certain time/event in the near future. As humans we experience this often and Jesus experienced this in the hour in which he wished to be saved by God even though he knew that event is what his life had been leading up to. I drew a flight of steep stairs going up a hill with Jesus on the top to show the struggle that can occur to selflessly follow Jesus. Jesus is throwing up his hands in an effort of letting go and following God, because even he struggled with the task God set before him. In order to truly be a good servant to God, we have to selflessly and willingly put aside so many things, our time included (the hourglasses), in order to truly focus on living a life dedicated to the right purpose. I thought of a living thing humans often consider simple and insignificant, insects (ants in my drawing), and drew them following Jesus up the stairs. Sometimes we have to simplify our lives and really be able to focus on simply being a servant to God above all things. I feel like as humans we have trouble doing this because it almost makes us feel insignificant (like the ants) because we’re so used to putting ourselves before anything else. But even as the ants, such tiny creatures, have a purpose and impact on earth in their simple form, so can we when we choose to really live selflessly to follow God.  




2 thoughts on “John 12:26-27

  1. Wow! How true that even ants have such a purpose. This spoke to me- it's hard for me to not always live to puff my own self up. I have become so comfortable being selfish- but this was a powerful encouragement that living for God is the greatest purpose and most significant use of our time. Thank you!

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