John 12:28-29


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John 12:28-29 reflected how Jesus sacrificed himself for God’s glory and for everyone to know and feel God’s glory.

I wanted to draw that- and to remind myself that is why I’m on this earth and that is my purpose- to reflect God and reflect him to others.
I drew Christ on an alter placing his hands towards the sky. The sky is thundering, “Glorify your name,” down to all those who watched Christ be crucified. This is to show that Jesus’s death was so powerful it even shook Gods name down to those who tried to deny him. It reminded me of why I am to choose Christ day in and day out- to give God all the glory. I’m praying with this drawing that I remind myself my life is not want to glorify my name but to glorify his name- and in that my life will be far more abundant and uplifting to others. It is so hard to remember but also so exciting to realize our lives are not our own. And even when the are a mess or falling apart they will still be used to glorify God’s name. To me that is so encouraging.

The clocks drawing- is all my struggles in different hours. In life I struggle to control, which cause anxiety which causes me to fill my hours with being codependent on others to fulfill me, health obsessed to look and feel a certain way, constantly wanting to distract myself with fun and entertainment, setting high expectations of myself and others, and places a need to please in order to feel validated and loved.
When I choose in those hours to have faith in my God- I remember he already loves me, he validates me, he has made me strong and beautiful without clothes, glamour, or flawless skin/body. He has made me and that is enough. And he makes my hours vibrant, full and abundant when I set my hands down and let him fill my time. It’s hard for me to not want to control my life but encouraging to know I don’t have to. I am enough in God as I am.

I loved the verses the past two weeks. They remind me that I don’t have to think about me, I get to think about God and say, “Father, glorify you name.”

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